Something about these few days just make me want to repeatedly punch something (rather, more specifically someone), and then the short conversation I had with a certain honored family member just broke what little control I had over my pent-up rage.
What the fuck do you mean the words you said, in that tone, to my face?
My family is not only racist, but biased as well. What they don't know, they reject. I envy those other people in relationships where the two families actually know each other and are at least on cordial terms with each other.
It is absolutely infuriating when they make assumptions based on- wait for it- his parents. For god's sake you guys have never even met his parents. The only thing you guys know is their ethnicity, which doesn't at all tell you ANYTHING about their person. It's like saying that you must be a greedy gold digger because you're Chinese. Is that fair? No? Do you care? THEN WHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT. So how on earth can you, from the assumption of his parent's ethnicity, bring that forward to his personality/character/general behavior. Have you even met him. Have you even tried to talk to him with an open mind that is not blocked by whatever bias you have in that empty skull? Is that not the point of the self-fulfilling prophecy, that you are seeing only the worst because you expect the worst.
I'm not stupid. At least I'm not as stupid as either of you when it comes to relationships, and I know for sure that you two are fucked up in the head, messed up in the heart, and completely paranoid. All I want was acceptance. To allow me to make my own damn decisions, to believe that I have made the right decision, to understand that I have thought, long and hard and over a period of three fucking months about everything I could possibly try to weigh the pros and cons of, to please, for the love of Jesus fucking Christ, leave me be to live my life because I am already 18, and I'm not even the ignorant sort of 18, so STOP MAKING MY DECISIONS FOR ME.
I do not appreciate it when you tell me that I shouldn't be hanging out with my friends, or that I should stop joining TAS, that I should probably not be "too attached to anyone", all based on very weak arguments- based on stereotypes and assumptions- and then tacked on with the infuriating, "We're older and more experienced than you, so we know better. Also you should listen to us because we're your parents."
In what world is that proper valid argument.
If there is any problems with what you guys think I'm doing with my life, sure. Come and tell it to me. Maybe we can sit down and talk about it over coffee. Maybe we can have a proper discussion and I can try to make you guys see it from my point of view and I will attempt to understand your fears. But is that ever happening? Do you think it's possible? You guys have lived your whole lives in ignorance about the most important aspects of human interaction. But guess what? I'm living my life, not yours. And my outcome will be nothing like yours.
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