Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We Work In Threes

I feel as if it has been ages since I've last seen my two favorite girls, and when I think about it, it has been so long.

It is rare for friendship to last six years past they day we all separated- indeed, we all went to different schools and hung out with different people. We didn't even try to keep in touch for months. It's just that whenever holidays draw near, either one of us would pick up the phone and text the others. "When r u free? Go crash Ru house lor." would be one of the best texts to ever receive.

Due to SPM last year, we missed the chance to properly hang out- until Monday, exactly a week past Ru's birthday. And also because I have become the designated driver for most outings, we were suddenly open to more places to go, more flexible times.

And of course we took advantage of that.

ST and I first hung around Times Square, where we wanted to buy Ru's present. Halfway through we ended up shopping for clothes, so we got matching shirts for us all.

 I despair at my figure compared to those two.

As you can see, we are shamelessly pimping the US of A. LOL.

We did see a really pretty Union Jack bag, but since we weren't sure whether Ru would like it, we left it at that. (Only later did we learn she DID want a bag, so we despaired again, but we'll go to Times Square during the May holiday, 'kay?)

And because I was deathly afraid of being stuck in traffic jams, we left early for Ru's house. We got there super early, in the end. So to entertain ourselves, we did what we could: play with the cameraaaaaa! xD

...Not only limited to cameras, of course.

Took even MORE photos.

We were actually kind of lost in Mid Valley, since none of us was sure what to do there. We sort of drifted around the top floor, as Ru wanted to watch a movie, yet both ST and I had just about finished watching all the recent movies. Ru went all == on us. We got ourselves some Chatime, which was a rather painful experience to recall...

In the end we decided to go bowling. It was one hell of bad day for me, 'cuz my marks was exceptionally terrible. Who goes gutter 4 rounds in a row? I never want to go to Cosmic Bowl again, for the love of god. xD I'm going to stick with TS bowling alley. ST got two strikes though. Now let me go wallow in shame for a while before I come back.

Dinner was Domino's pizza. We tried the new Extreme Edge crusts, which was surprisingly good, although a tad bit salty.

And since we were waiting for the food, we took... even MORE PICTURES. Haha! xD


(Tbh I like the third frame the most. xD)

Current FB cover pic. :3

"Okay, so how do you use this? What do you press?" Yes, I really don't know how to use anything that isn't an iPhone. /FAIL


Ah~ it was amazing to just catch up on everybody's lives again, after so long. So many stories to be told. So many things to talk about.

So many weirdest antics ever. Like taking pictures in front of an open stall and literally blocking the way. xD

Yay for best friends for life! :D

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