Sometime last week I found this on Taylor's Confession page... And judging by how often we hang out at SLC and how many other couples give foot massages (read: none) I have no doubt it was directed at le petit ami.
Friends kept telling me that my anger was unnecessary and that it shows how insecure I am in my relationship. That I need to trust him, and just take a chill pill.
Let me get things straight: I am
not insecure that le petit ami will run off with some other girl, because thinking that is not only far-fetched, it is an insult to him. I
am, however, angry that some girls think it is okay to think of
other people's boyfriends this way.
First let me address something rather alarming at the response I get: why do people say I shouldn't get angry? In fact, what is there to
not get angry about? I feel violated at this statement. I feel violated on
behalf of le petit ami as well. To make it easier to digest my analysis, this confession has the following:
1. Acknowledgement of a public relationship between two people
2. Subsequent disregard of the girlfriend
3. Replacement of self into the role of the girlfriend
4. Assumption that my boyfriend would heed his/her offer of sex without love and commitment
Is my anger clear now? On all levels this person has disrespected both of us
and our relationship together. A relationship that, mind you, has been smooth sailing and high flying for close to a year.
In this case I again strongly enforce that
it is not wrong to be angry for the right reasons. Someone disrespecting you/your partner/your relationship IS a right reason.
Yes, this person is just saying stuff on the Internet, where bullshit can be said with no consequences, yes s/he shouldn't be a threat to our relationship if we're strong enough, yes I should trust my boyfriend... but while I do all this why am I told be chill? Why can't I be angry to defend myself?
Which brings me to secondly: the dignity of such a person. How on earth do you disrespect someone else's relationship like that? How much disrespect do you have towards
yourself to offer your body in exchange for such a service, with someone you don't know and don't love? You're like a cashless version of a prostitute: I don't think I missed the mark when I name you 'bitch'. There is a great deal of hate for the third party in relationships meant for two, and there is a reason why: they don't deserve any respect, because they don't have any, for themselves or for others.
Le petit ami and I discussed the possibility of the person maybe just admiring our relationship and how well I'm treated. But I'm sensitive to words. I know this person isn't coming from the point of admiration, but selfish want. The want to have someone treat him/her like that. Look, if you want a great boyfriend, firstly be the sort of person that matches up to a great person.
For context: a great boyfriend won't cheat. If you can get a boyfriend by being the third wheel (and eventually kicking out the previous girlfriend and becoming the second), what stops the boyfriend from doing the same to you? Dumping your sorry ass for
another third wheel? And so obviously he's not a great boyfriend. In short, don't do this third wheel shit because karma will come back and fuck you up.
So will the previous girlfriend, she'd probably key your car and bust his tyres, just sayin'.
It all boils down to
respect: respect others, and they'll respect you too.
(Ps. There has been two other confessions about how cute le petit ami is and I wholly agree with those because of the lack of malicious motives behind such confessions. I don't get angry for nothing.)