Monday, January 30, 2012

Breaking the Mould

Orientation Day taught me many things:

  • I want Mr. Leong Soo Ming to teach me History next semester
  • Most of my new friends who are staying in the hostel have 'midnight karaoke' sessions
  • I am still the shortest, although not really
  • All the girls there come from the same jelly mould

Why I say this is because at one glance you see the girls having various shades of long hair in dark brown, gold, or red; dressing up like they walked out of fashion magazines; carry large handbags the size of my head (or larger); wear high heels LIKE A BOSS; have eye make-up on; have their own posse; have their nails done in bright colors.

At this point I am itching to walk into campus tomorrow in my tennis shoes, basketball shorts and too-large-for-me L4D t-shirt all the while yelling about Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, just to see their reaction. But I don't think I should risk my dignity.

Messed up A-Level campuses, had Angela and I texting each other asking for lunch before finally knowing that we were indeed, in different campuses. Banyak gagal kalau tanya aku. Orz

At least, I made new friends. That's something to smile about. And even though I severely regret being unable to sleep last night due to extreme nervousness, I stand my ground that my nervousness is valid.

I wanna go to Sunway with Eunice, Amber and Krystle too!! D: I wanna get my driving license!!! Dx

Calculus test on my first day of MATH150 wtfff srsly??? ;A; I forget my math! I don't even remember what calculus is!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Right now I feel like I've been floating on the wide, endless sea for years. I forget the last time I have seen land, felt the earth, and smelled something other than salty sea-water.

Day after day, just different shades of blue.

Months after months of endless waves, with their gentle swish putting me to sleep; or their unpredictable anger that churns the surface.

Years of nothing but a dim line that barely separates the sea from the sky.

But tomorrow as the sun comes up I will see land. The sun will shine a different color; a vibrant orange and red that will drown out the calm blue. The wind will blow strong and push me further, faster, towards the coast.

Tomorrow I will step foot onto new soil, and I am perfectly terrified by that prospect.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Legally Adult ≠ Mature

Phyllis demands a blog that has more sarcasm, wit and general nastiness that is equivalent to my age. I will try.

Apparently at this point in time I should be moaning about how terrible Malaysian politics are. To quote my uncle, 

So Anwar is a free man...kudos to our judicial system, real 3rd class. Malaysia is f@cked for sure! Time to think about migrating to North Korea.

And this is supposed to make sense. I thought the entire Anwar case was some bullshit story UMNO tried to pull out of their ass? (WTF pun not intended.) Malaysian politics confuse the hell out of me, and it's not that I don't try.

Which is why instead of solving a ridiculous story of plausible sodomy through well thought out arguments and supportive points which I should be doing as a debater, I will be making mean and completely untrue remarks and bad jokes about North Korea. Which, being first and foremost, the Land Where The Weirdos Lie.

I'm not actually kidding. This firmly ingrained disposition towards North Korea as a general country wasn't so firmly ingrained until I watched Blades Of Glory, especially when cutting off people's heads in an attempt to perform a physics-defying trick is legal, like human testing. Blades Of Glory was also the first movie that introduced me to "ghey" acts, such as two dudes sliding across a floor of ice and bumping their crotch together in tight spandex. My young innocence was shattered then. That the guy in blue and pretended to be a peacock and seemed to want to do inexcusable stuff to the guy in red was also sort of obvious. The whole gay-vibe wasn't even completely removed with the presence of a whiny girl who suffers guilt-issues and wants to sex up the blue ghey peacock guy.

I need to watch better movies.

Anyway, North Korea has been all over the internet thanks to the death of Kim Jong Il. His death has not been spared from memes. However this can be taken to light in a good way, such as notifying the 76% of people in North America and Mexico of a country called "North Korea", which is surprisingly not the place plastic surgery-made walking Barbies that can warble in an alien language are made. They're pretty close, though.

The citizens of North Korea mourn for Kim Jong Il. The netizens of North Korea are responsible for 98% of Kim Jong Il memes. There is obviously a lot of politics involved.

I'm pretty sure South Korea is completely unaffected, however. Perhaps they feel a bit better knowing that their mass-produced walking plastic surgeries come to life are raking in millions and putting them on the world map by mediocre singing, acting, and the insane lust for fan-ship. Has no one really noticed how all of them look like they're got the same nose jobs?

It's late and my head is muddling up and I can't write properly now. Perhaps some other time I will continue my rant on K-pop. Also do not expect South Korea jokes to stop anytime soon.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Insert Obnoxious Title Here. Insert Exclamation Marks here.

So as you can guess, I. Got. My. iPhone 4S.


I like the DiGi store employees. This is because when I walked in and asked, "Have you got iPhone 4S in stock?", he just grinned knowingly and said, simply, "Yes." You have no idea how much that word MADE MY DAY.

"The 64GB in white?"


"wtf Awesome! I'll take one."

"I suppose you already know what plan you want?"

"Of course."

Finally we find someone who understands that we don't do things half-assed. Of course I know what I want. I've dealt with adults that, for so long, never understood the powers of the internets. ;A;

Either way, there is no phone like the iPhone. THERE IS NO PHONE LIKE THE iPhone.

Now I'm just waiting to get my iPhone cases because they're all in orange and my iPhone needs clothing. xD

I will most likely update soon on the epicness of my iPhone. I have yet to test out Siri. Mostly because I don't have a reason to call anybody yet. (I wonder how Siri will pronounce 'Chyi Ong' LOLOLOL.)


Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Frog Prince

So since I've been bugging my dad incessantly about getting the iPhone 4S, he decided to check out the plans for himself.

No, I didn't get it yet. If I did the title would be in obnoxious capital letters with lots of exclamation marks. Keep an eye out for it within this week.

Anyway, we walked down the the Maxis store in BVII to check out their plan. Even though I've told my dad what I want, he still likes Maxis. What is up with these people.

Side note: I'll be getting a 64 GB white iPhone 4S. I HAVE MADE UP MY MIND TWO WEEKS AGO YES I DID. >:D

Okay, so it was a little more expensive than I expected. Maxis, I mean. DiGi=fav. (Seriously, what is up with these people?!)

Then here comes the part where it's relevant to the title: I got freaked out by a toad.

Yeah, I was doing that thing you do (what song is this?? Every time I think those words there's thing song on loop)- I mean, trying to balance LIKE A BOSS on the curb of the roads when this rustle came from the grass growing in the cracks just as I was about to take another step. I, to put it simply, freaked out.

Because my family is nosy, we stopped and stared (OneRepublic FTW!!). Fortunately the street was rather well lit and out of the tiny bushels of grass and miscellaneous weeds poked a little head with beady eyes!


Okay so maybe I should explain that yes, I like frogs and toads. ._. When I was young I had this game called Toad and Frog and everyday after kindergarten I'd put it in the (then very awesome) computer and play the game until dinner time. Then a few years passed and everybody was upgrading their computers and I started going to primary school, and when I remembered it, I was too old and the computer was too new to play it anymore. Damn, I miss that game. So yeah, it explains why I like frogs and toads.

But I digress. We were discussing toads when these little kitties sneaked up behind us, eyes fixed firmly on the frog. I hate those cats. Basically, I hate most cats in Bangsar because they're not afraid of humans, beg for food, noisy and have this goddamned attitude. Why do cats even need attitude?! They tried to eat the toad, even after I hissed at them and tried to chase them away. So that make my two options go down to one: I have got to save that toad. I can't just leave it there to die. OMG that would be cruel. To both the frog and me.

So, because I was a pussy, I bugged my dad to catch the toad. (My dad complained to my mum that these 'city kids' don't know how to do shit. "Back then when we were kids, we caught frogs for dinner in the padi fields." I know my dad is lying, because I've been to his hometown. They've got no padi fields.) He caught it (I was actually a little worried he squished it) and handed it to me. He also said, "I think it peed on my hand.", which was more comical than it was supposed to be. I was prepared for wet and slimy, so I didn't freak out much, but as I was walking back home, I agreed with my dad. I think is was peeing on my hand.

I let it go in this little pond we've got outside our house. I hope that when I go out tomorrow I'd still see it. Even more importantly, I hope it didn't take a leap of faith and jump out of the pond, because there's a 1.3 meter drop to the drain below.

(No pictures, because none of us brought a phone. I know, sad right. If I had my iPhone though, that would be a different story.)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Frustrations Of Bad Internet and Lousy Computers

(I need to break this habit of whiny posts. ARGH.)

So I've been playing Dragonica for some time now. Although apparently not enough, since I'm at a pathetic level 26 and my friends have been pushing 50+ for the past week, even though I started three days before they did. Know, however, that it is so not my fault.

This has been happening for a infuriating number of times:

I don't know why it happens, since the DiGi Internet works fine with my Mac, therefore I have reached this one conclusion: Windows run Dell computers are exceptionally bad for anything other than going online. And even when online it lags and jerks.

Bottom line is, I've wasted two days lurking around Facebook and going through 80+ pages of and and EACH, when I could've been leveling up my Twin Fighter, which I badly need to do so I can catch up to my friends since they have school and can't play that often anymore which would give me a chance and enough time to catch up with them because they level up so damn fast, I mean like srsly wtf? 8 levels a day? ANYWAYS. Yes.

*insert loud, self-pitying sigh here*

My brother's MacBook Pro's graphic card fried so he sent it for repairs (again), which equates to me not having a laptop to use. Instead I have to use the iMac which is conveniently allocated in my dad's room and does not have a Windows partition. This means that I will have to wait until my brother's MacBook Pro is fixed (which will take a few weeks, at least) to get back my laptop which DOES have a Windows partition so I can continue to DGN my month away. Althought at this rate, even my BROTHER would be higher level than me by then. And he just started yesterday.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just a really bad gamer. ):
(To you people at the back nodding their heads at the screen, I SEE WHATCHA TRYNA DO THAR.)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Endings and Beginnings

2012 marks the start of a new walk of life. At least, my life. Since young I have pushed myself over and over with the thought of the start of this life stuck firmly in my mind.

In approximately less than a month, I will be stepping foot into University. (Actually, college. But feh, technicalities.) The thought is terrifying. My future rests on this delicate balance: how should I present myself in school? Perhaps I should let out my debate skills and lead the team purposefully. Perhaps I can lean back a little to enjoy the roses and only step out when I have to. Perhaps it's time for me to put on my mature face and pull in my kite.

I am so afraid of not making it.

There was a dark period in my young life that caused me to be forever cautious and paranoid of making, and being friends with other people. There is a rebellious part of me that is sick of the happy Gemini facade. There is an even bigger part of me that wishes the happy Gemini facade isn't a facade. Unfortunately that dark splotch of misery accumulated from my younger years just won't come out, regardless of the amount of bleach and chlorox.

First posts should not be so damn emo and whiney wtf.

Regardless, I am in the midst of letting go of the past and concentrate solely on the future. Many thanks to a small handful of people that have added so much spice into my life. I love you guys lots, and I won't ever forget any of you, I swear. There is a seperate part of my heart and brain that has 'Chyi+Sushi+Chopsticks' carved lovingly. (And underneath that, 'WC+Pika'. You guys are my L4D kakis who, whether you know it or not, had a hand in shaping me into the 宅女 I am today.)

Resolutions for 2012:
Enjoy life to the fullest.

Have a great year, everybody! :D