Monday, January 27, 2014


So. I've started interning at a production house just for kicks, y'know, cuz I have the time. I might as well get the experience.

The place is seriously cool, with doof bags and a TV and a sofa in the large open room... A space I thought we would be able to chill out and relax, but LOL NOPE THIS IS WORK.

It's exhausting how even though technically the whole month has more or less been just sitting in the office by 11am with the laptop open I am actually tired! I've run out of time to do my own things, reaching home at around 8pm... on a good day. Obviously although I've been meaning to blog, I wasn't quite able to just sit down and do it.

Counting Stars! ♥︎

Production work is so demanding... Though I guess that's only because it's my first time doing such a thing that I'm a little lost... From referencing to scripting to shooting... It's a lot about focus and otherwise (for me) "I hope this is okay", haha! And this is only the first half of production! @A@;;;

Essentially being the saikang! HAHAHA!

Other than the workload though, it's pretty awesome! Because all this is actual stuff... We're making things... Legit things, not silly assignments that would be irrelevant a couple of months later.

I'd blog more but it's late and I just wanted to blog before CNY, so here it is! Hopefully after the CNY rush I'd be able to at least update some pictures... Though looking at my schedule... That's rather unlikely... DERP.